Setting up Payment Methods in the Business Unit

Once the business unit is created and GL accounts set up, specify the payment methods to be used when products are purchased.

  1. Navigate to the Accounting App > Setup > Business Unit > Setup tab.

  2. Select the Payment Methods menu option. All payment methods appear in either the Active or Inactive Payment Methods tabs.

  3. Click Add New Payment Method. The Add New Payment Method form will appear.

  1. Select the desired Method Type from the drop-down list. Only payment methods which have not already been activated will appear in this drop-down field.

    Allowed payment method types include:

    Note: Cash, check, credit, wire transfer, and purchase order are accessible by staff users only. These options do not appear for non-staff users during checkout.

  2. Select the Cash Account to which the payment should be applied. (Users creating a Custom Check or Custom Cash payment method must choose a GL account.)

  3. Select the Available From date and, if desired, Available Until date.

    Payment methods with a future Available From date or a past Available Until date appear under the Inactive Payment Methods tab. All other payment methods appear under Active Payment Methods.
    Other options in the Add New Payment Method form differ depending on the Method Type selected. These can include:

    • MerchantClosedIf multiple credit card merchants have been set up in the system, you can specify a certain credit card merchant for the payment type.
      When setting up an ACH payment option, keep in mind that APG (Anywhere Payment Gateway),, or PayFlowPro merchant account must be set up in the system. PayPal does not accept ACH transactions and will not appear as a selectable merchant when creating an ACH payment option.

    • Time Zone ClosedSelect the desired time zone for the specified batch cut off time. This is used for externally created batches, to determine the Batch Cut Off Time in the selected time zone.

    • Batch Cut Off TimeClosedFor cases when an external batch for this payment type is created, set the time of day for the batch to automatically be closed to new transactions.

  4. Click Save.